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Syphilis, Second to Aids, syphilis is the most serious sexually transmitted disease. If left untreated, it will be fatal.


Syphilis is most often spread through direct sexual contact, can also be transmitted by means of blood transfusions and mother-to-child transmission, there have been few rare cases by kissing,when the disease is in its secondary stage. Being bitten by an infected person can also lead to transmission of the disease.

There are 4 disease stages:

The initial infection causes an ulcer, or chancre, at the site of infection. This is called the primary stage of the disease. It is followed by three more stages, called, the secondary, latent and tertiary stages.

The secondary stage is characterized by a skin rash and a variety of other signs. Mouth ulcers and genital sores are frequently found. This stage lasts approximately one year.

This is followed by a latent stage in which no symptoms appear. This stage can last for years or even decades. Many people die of other causes, before the tertiary stage of syphilis sets in.

The tertiary stage of syphilis causes symptoms that can range from mild to extremely serious. The three main symptoms are syphilitic lumps, which can leave scars, heart problems, which could lead to heart failure, and neurosyphilis, of which hallucinations and delusions of grandeur are the most noticeable symptoms

.But in certain cases, almost no organ of the body remains unaffected. In the past, many people also suffered destruction of the bones, which often led to a flattening of the nose and holes appearing in the palate

Congenital syphilis, in which the infection is transferred from mother to unborn child, can be devastating in that it can lead to the death of the baby before or after birth.

 Causes . The cause of syphilis is known to be a bacterium called Treponema pallidum. This bacterium enters the body through mucous membranes, such as those found in the mouth, the vagina or the anus. It can also enter the body through other parts of the skin that may be broken.It most often causes a small ulcer, or chancre, at the site of infection. This ulcer is often sufficiently insignificant that people do not seek treatment, which can lead to the spread of this sexually transmitted disease, because people in the primary stage of syphilis are highly infectious.

Trasmmition . It is passed on by means of vaginal, anal or oral sex. It can also be passed on to a fetus during pregnancy, which can result in serious mental and physical defects.Within a few hours of exposure, the bacterium reaches nearby lymph nodes and then it gradually spreads throughout the body via the blood

This gradual process can take years, but if left untreated, syphilis is a devastating disease, which can cause heart abnormalities, mental disorders, facial disfiguration, blindness, neurological problems and ultimately can be fatal.

Signs and Symptoms:

The first sign of this infection is a small painless sore at the site. The sore usually appears within ten days to three weeks of exposure. It usually begins as a small raised area and turns into a small ulcer. It usually occurs on the genitals or mouth but can sometimes be found on other parts of the skin. It is painless and does not bleed.
Within six to 12 weeks after initial infection, a skin rash appears. This rash most often consists of brownish colored sores more or less 1 inch in diameter. It typically affects any area of the body, but most often the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. Active bacteria are present in these sores, and the infection can be passed on to others at this stage.

Diagnosis :Syphilis i

Treatment s usually diagnosed by blood tests that test for antibodies to Treponema pallidum, the bacteria that causes syphilis. Diagnosis in children is difficult, since the mother’s antibodies can also be found in the baby, so a positive test on the baby doesn’t necessarily mean the child has syphilis. It is recommended to contact a physician and perform the related tests followed by treatment.every stage of syphilis can now be treated with an antibiotic like penicillin. This is usually given by injection. Depending on the stage to which the syphilis has advanced, several injections may be necessary over a period of time.

Prevention:Prevention of syphilis requires much the same guidelines as prevention of HIV. Careful choice of sex partners is the best way of prevention. It is essential to notify previous sex partners, if you become aware of the fact that you have been infected with syphilis.

The wearing of condoms, unlike in the case of HIV, provides only partial protection as it only protects against infection in the genital area, and not against oral infection or infection on any other part of the body where there may be broken skin.

Baron Pharmacy specializes in many disease states such as Syphilis and carries all up to date related Specialty medications available on the market. Please feel free to contact our staff to make an appointment for a free consultation with our specialty Pharmacist.[ENG]